So so so.. I loved/hated it. All my ships fucking died. The only thing I liked was that Chuck didn't go all sappy about Blair. C/B, as much as I love them together, can wait until they've outgrown their bitch/heartless status. That's what makes them cool right now so please don't let that go away. D/S..SERIOUSLY!? I hated Dan.. a lot. "I'm the most
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Gossip Girl gets more awesome by week. Thank God for Roma being scheduled this week because I don't know how I'd be able to survive the 7-day wait for the finale! I hope for some brutal Serena/Georgina throw down. Just beat the shit out of her, S. Please!
I spent all day looking for Firefox add-ons and being totally giddy about them. LOL! Just like the old days.. when I would spend countless hours in front of my computer coding shit and being in "programmer" mode with my college geek buddies. Can't believe that was 3 years ago and now just realized it's been 3 years since I took a "break" from
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GG was.. good. I hate Bitch!Jen more than anyone on that show! Even more than Nate's boringness. The episode as a whole fell short of my expectations. I wanted more Bitch!Blair kicking Bitch!Jen's ass and I wanted somebody to bitchslap Penelope and her $120 brunches. Ugh. DS love was lacking too (TWO scenes?) but hopefully with G coming into town
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